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The Card Addicts proudly presents an extensive collection of Pokémon single cards that will undoubtedly ignite your passion. Immerse yourself in the captivating realm of Pokémon with an array of energy cards, essential for powering up your team during epic battles. Unleash your strategic prowess with trainer cards, providing invaluable support to enhance your gameplay. And let's not forget the magnificent character cards, featuring your favourite Pokémon in all their glory. But the excitement doesn't end there; we also offer rare gems like first editions and out-of-print sets, allowing you to own a piece of Pokémon history. So, dust off your Pokédex and join us on this thrilling adventure as we bring the Pokémon single trading card experience to life!

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Pokémon Single Cards


Sandslash Reverse Holo 21/100 EX Sandstorm
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Natu 69/100 EX Sandstorm
Linoone Reverse Holo 44/100 EX Sandstorm
Lileep Reverse Holo 43/100 EX Sandstorm
Multi Energy 93/100 EX Sandstorm
Ralts 74/100 EX Sandstorm
Eevee 63/100 EX Sandstorm
from £2.29
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Lombre 45/100 EX Sandstorm
Lileep 42/100 EX Sandstorm
Azurill 31/100 EX Sandstorm
from £3.19
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Sandslash 21/100 EX Sandstorm
Ludicolo Reverse Holo 7/100 EX Sandstorm
Root Fossil 92/100 EX Sandstorm
Mysterious Fossil 91/100 EX Sandstorm
from £0.49
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Claw Fossil Reverse Holo 90/100 EX Sandstorm
Claw Fossil 90/100 EX Sandstorm
Wally's Training 89/100 EX Sandstorm
from £0.49
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Rare Candy 88/100 EX Sandstorm
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Lanette's Net Search 87/100 EX Sandstorm
Double Full Heal 86/100 EX Sandstorm
from £1.89
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Zigzagoon Reverse Holo 85/100 EX Sandstorm
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Zigzagoon 85/100 EX Sandstorm
Wingull 84/100 EX Sandstorm
Wailmer 83/100 EX Sandstorm
Trapinch 82/100 EX Sandstorm
Spearow 81/100 EX Sandstorm
from £0.49
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Slakoth Reverse Holo 80/100 EX Sandstorm
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Slakoth 80/100 EX Sandstorm
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Skitty 79/100 EX Sandstorm
from £0.99
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Shroomish 78/100 EX Sandstorm
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Seedot 77/100 EX Sandstorm
Seedot 76/100 EX Sandstorm
Sandshrew 75/100 EX Sandstorm
from £0.49
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Psyduck 73/100 EX Sandstorm
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Pikachu 72/100 EX Sandstorm
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Onix 71/100 EX Sandstorm
from £1.79
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Omanyte Reverse Holo 70/100 EX Sandstorm
Omanyte 70/100 EX Sandstorm
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Marill 68/100 EX Sandstorm
Lotad 67/100 EX Sandstorm
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Lotad 66/100 EX Sandstorm
Growlithe 65/100 EX Sandstorm
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Ekans 64/100 EX Sandstorm
Duskull 62/100 EX Sandstorm
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Duskull 61/100 EX Sandstorm
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Dunsparce 60/100 EX Sandstorm
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Cyndaquil 59/100 EX Sandstorm
Cacnea 58/100 EX Sandstorm
Cacnea 57/100 EX Sandstorm
Aron 56/100 EX Sandstorm
Xatu 55/100 EX Sandstorm
from £1.79
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Wynaut Reverse Holo 54/100 EX Sandstorm
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Vigoroth Reverse Holo 52/100 EX Sandstorm
Vigoroth 52/100 EX Sandstorm
Quilava 51/100 EX Sandstorm
from £2.79
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Pelipper 50/100 EX Sandstorm
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Nuzleaf Reverse Holo 49/100 EX Sandstorm
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Nuzleaf 49/100 EX Sandstorm
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Nuzleaf Reverse Holo 48/100 EX Sandstorm
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Nuzleaf 48/100 EX Sandstorm
Murkrow Reverse Holo 47/100 EX Sandstorm
Murkrow 47/100 EX Sandstorm
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Linoone 44/100 EX Sandstorm
Lileep 43/100 EX Sandstorm
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Lairon 41/100 EX Sandstorm
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Kirlia 40/100 EX Sandstorm
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Illumise 38/100 EX Sandstorm
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Fearow 37/100 EX Sandstorm
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Elekid Reverse Holo 36/100 EX Sandstorm
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Elekid 36/100 EX Sandstorm
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Electabuzz 35/100 EX Sandstorm
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Breloom 33/100 EX Sandstorm
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Baltoy 32/100 EX Sandstorm
Azumarill 30/100 EX Sandstorm
from £0.99
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Anorith 28/100 EX Sandstorm
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Anorith 27/100 EX Sandstorm
Vaporeon 25/100 EX Sandstorm
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Steelix 23/100 EX Sandstorm
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Shiftry 22/100 EX Sandstorm
Pichu 20/100 EX Sandstorm
Omastar 19/100 EX Sandstorm
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Kecleon 18/100 EX Sandstorm
Arcanine 15/100 EX Sandstorm
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Solrock Reverse Holo 13/100 EX Sandstorm

The Pokémon Trading Card Game is a 2-player game in which players use 60-card decks to battle. In the Pokémon TCG, players build decks around cards that feature Pokémon characters, and then take turns using attacks to try to defeat their opponent. The game requires some strategy and planning to win.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game